Aaah…I see!

So, I now understand the feeling of a “runner’s high.”  I still wouldn’t call myself a runner, however I am very happy with how far I’ve come. I’ve never been a fan of running, especially long distances, but I have always wanted to be a RUNNER; as in ABLE to run!

I know that it’s part of a healthy lifestyle and good for your overall health, but I really just thought it would be cool to be able to run in races or get up in the morning and run a few miles. You know, the simple things. There was a time where I could be on an elliptical all day, but couldn’t run on the treadmill for more than a few minutes at a time. Major fail. So my bestie and I have been training for a 5K to run this spring/summer. Each week since December I’ve watched my endurance grow and grow! The body is an amazing machine! I’ve been so motivated to see what I can create with my body!


Friday night I ran a 5k and felt like I could keep going! Awesome sauce. Note: I know 5k may not be a very long distance to many, especially seasoned runners, but I don’t care! I’m excited. Excited that I did it, and I know I’m going to finish the race this summer with ease and also because I know that it’s just the beginning. I am on way to becoming a runner. Boom.

Run Baby Run….and Big Leg Monday!

I’ve been really trying to work on my consistency with running. I have yet to get a set pace and groove, but I’m getting there! I had been doing mostly interval training on the treadmill, and just jogging as long as I could without walking breaks on the five-mile trail near my house (it’s 10 miles total but I only do half right now when running). Well anywho, I noticed that I can do interval training for 30 minutes on the treadmill and go only 1.5-2.5 miles depending on my speed and length of intervals. However, the last time I ran at the trail I completed it in 15 minutes (actually a little less than 15 minutes).

So….that led me to conclude….that I’m not pushing myself enough! Since then I’ve been trying to do a mile under 10 minutes on the treadmill. Ok, that may not be much to some, but I haven’t even attempted or even thought about trying to do that since High School gym class! Ha! Welp, today I did it in 10 minutes and 30 seconds (the photo below includes two minutes of warm up). I could totally do it if I adjust my speed. Tomorrow.

It’s great to have little achievements along the way on this fitness journey of mine. It may take me a while to get to my end goal, but little victories are what keep you going!

Monday was #BigLegMonday!!! I love leg days! They’re my strongest body part (always have been) and I went pretty heavy Monday. 205lbs last week…285lbs this week! YEA BOI!!! LOL

Instagram <3!!!

Ok, so I may be late due to me being an Android user (zip it iPhone users!!) but I FRIGGIN’ LOVE instagram!!!! And it’s not because I love taking pictures of things (including myself hehe).

I love social communities that serve a bigger purpose than just keeping up with others every move just for the sake of it (e.i. Facebook…even though I love FB lol).

Instagram became available to Android users right around the time I started my seven-day detox and two weeks into my health and fitness journey (the real one…you know the one that’s actually going to yield lasting results). I say that because I’ve attempted to start this journey many times since my sophmore year in college. But no worries, because this time it’s sticking!

Annnnywho! While I follow many friends and associates, even some celebs on instagram, my favorite use of it is for health and fitness. A great deal of my motivation, new challenges, inspiration, meal and work out ideas come from there. It’s so encouraging to see so many women, all races, social statuses, and at all points in their journeys post and spread support like that. And when I fall off track…I get on instagram! Seeing one of my favs post a clean meal or body shot pumps me up and usually makes me want to go to the gym ASAP! lol

Some of favorite fitness instagram’rs are: mankofit/M_BEKKO (two accounts), BellaFalconi, HealthyDonna, Kimmy2too, NIKKINAC, and LOZBREEMAPS! If you’re on instagram, check them out! 🙂

Well I’m off to take my photos for the two challenges I’m doing for the month of May: #mayphotoadaychallenge and #mayfitnesschallenge….follow me on instagram at CourtneyChane to see what I post for each day! 🙂

I do wish Android has picstich, but I just downloaded photogrid which is doing the job for the time being…



I started my 90-day challenge today! If you haven’t heard of Body by Vi, check it out! Or better yet, follow my journey and contact me to get started on your own challenge TODAY! No time like the present!



Day 1 went well! I had my Vi-shape shake for breakfast and lunch, along with the Vi-Slim and Omega Vitals Supplement. In between meals I had a snack (one veggie, one fruit) and water with a ViSalus Neuro energy packet and Vi-Trim. I enjoyed the shakes even though I didn’t have my preferred choice of milk (rice). I have to go grocery shopping this weekend. I had it with coconut milk, which I wasn’t fond of. There are lots of shake recipes that sound delicious, and I can’t wait to try them!

Gym time was a great time today! Worked on core and cardio. Core work is not my favorite, but I had a lot of motivation today. Instagram works wonders for my motivation! I get so many meal and workout ideas from there. Some of the ladies I follow post pics of workouts or progress shots that make you want to straight head to the gym! So as I endured the pain, I pictured myself in a cute little bikini laying on the beach! I am determined to never have to suck in my belly again!!! Hahaha. One thing I’ve also noticed that within the “fitness community” women, especially women of color, are very supportive of one another; more than most women in general. I mean friends of course are supportive, but I’m talking about people you don’t know. I’ve always said the same about women that wear their natural hair and/or live natural lifestyles. I guess there’s just something about being who you’re meant to be (healthy and naturally you) that just makes you feel good about yourself and who you are, which in turn gives you the desire to spread that sunshine to others :).

After core, I ran on the treadmill. Twenty minutes of interval work, ten minutes of gradually decreasing incline, a one-minute full out sprint and a five-minute cool down walk. I felt great! So…even though I usually listen to music while I run, for some reason, I still turn the individual TV on. Weird. Anywho, today I got on a treadmill with a broken TV. I thought, great now what am I going to look at? But my reflection proved to be what I needed for treadmill running. I’ve been working on my form and breathing when running, and I feel both were better today. I usually focus on the tread and my feet when I run to maintain my form and sense of balance. Now I realize this is not the safest idea if I were to run outside lol. I just always feel like I get distracted mentally if I don’t. Looking into the TV screen, I was able to focus and get in a zone, almost as if challenging the person looking back. I also encouraged her to keep going. I definitely think I’m getting mentally stronger in the gym. And that, my friends, is where your strength comes from. Even before the physical strength. When you learn how to mentally push yourself and focus, you will be unstoppable. I’m getting there! I am on thee way!!!


So it’s Tuesday….well anyway, I had a great weekend!

Better late than never…a picture recap of my weekend.

Friday night was movie night…well actually Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights were movie nights. Oh, the variety of life! My sweetie and I made homemade pizza using a whole wheat crust, turkey italian sausage, and mozz/provalone cheese. It turned out way better than I expected it to. Oh, and I painted my nails and toes (something I USUALLY do often…I was slippin’ hehe). I’m excited for Spring/Fall colors!!! 🙂

Saturday’s workout was almost as tough as last week’s, but not quite. I haven’t been wearing a plastic bag under my clothing, but rather sticking to my abdominal wrap and layers. I know many people say that these methods only make you lose water weight. However, NEWS FLASH: I’m trying to lose weight WHEREVER it chooses to come from! Sweating is GOOD. It opens your pores to let out toxins. I have learned to LOVE working up a good sweat. Do it. Embrace it. Love it. Lol.

Monday was BIG LEG MONDAY! Gotta love it. Last week I squatted 135 pounds for three sets of 20 before dropping down in weight for the last two sets. This week, I did 155 for five sets of 10. I also delighted myself in walking lunges with a 30 lb bar and resistance band, leg extensions, leg curls, and backward lunges opening the hip, also with a resistance band. I didn’t do cardio following legs but I did warm up with cardio.

Sad to say, I didn’t make it to the gym today…whomp whomp. We won’t even go into any excuses (however I did do some core work at home). I WILL be there tomorrow. ARMS and BACK are on the agenda. I’m getting better with my meal planning, but still working on prepping enough food ahead of time to last through a few days at a time (very helpful during the work week). Can’t wait to go grocery shopping. I’ve really been enjoying finding clean eating meals and recipes! As it goes…health and fitness is 70% diet 30% exercise!

Healthy Eating

Soooooo! It’s been almost a week since I did the seven-day detox, and I’ve been doing pretty well with sticking to healthy eating. I still haven’t had any caffeine (woot woot) or any processed foods. I have eaten meat, but only chicken and fish. Dairy has been to a minimum, as I really don’t want to get back in the habit of eating it. However, I knew ending my relationship with dairy would be a journey, so I’m not beating myself up.

I’ve also been continuing daily cardio and strength training (usually 5-6 days a week), but I’ve been trying to step it up with running. Let me just say, that even though I did run track in high school, I DO NOT LIKE RUNNING. Well, I’ve never liked running long distances. Sprinting is fine (used to be anyway lol), but I have never been able to do distance. Although I may not like it, I really want to become a runner! Is that weird? I don’t necessarily want to be a marathon runner, but I would like to make it a part of my lifestyle. I want to be able to go for a long run without feeling like I’m going to keel over. I really need to work on my stride and my breathing. I would like to run a 5k though, and I’m actually working on that now! I’ve been doing well so far! There’s a 9.5 mile park path near my house. Sometimes I run/walk that entire course, and sometimes I run (with one or two walk breaks) half of it. I actually enjoy running outside more than on the treadmill. Never thought I’d say that. Ha.


Various meals and snacks this week along with pics of workouts and post-run shots!

FYI, that pic of a burger and fries is a veggie burger with chipotle sweet potato fries (don’t worry). But can we just talk about the picture in the bottom right-hand corner though? haha. Your girl is squating 135lbs. Don’t know if that’s big for you reading this, but it’s big for me! I’m strong! LOL. And that wasn’t just for a pic. I did three sets of 20 before dropping down to 95lbs for two more sets. #getsome. I feel myself getting stronger, which is motivating for me, because until you start to actually see results, it can be hard to stay motivated at times. I don’t feel like I look too much different, but I definitely feel stronger and I’m still down 8lbs which I think proves that the weight lost during the detox wasn’t just water weight. If I had to choose, I’d definitely say I like lifting more than cardio, but like I said, I’m working on my cardio. I do, however, really really miss my Zumba class at LA Fitness in the South Loop (the one at my current gym is NOT what’s up). Ah well, the more opportunity to run!

Now, I need new shoes just for running, new gel soles for my gym shoes, a heart rate monitor, and new boxing gloves! Geez, I never thought I’d be more interested in shopping for fitness attire and gadgets more than dresses, shoes, and make-up. But that will be even more fun to do in my future shape! Mwahahaha (that’s my evil laugh) hahaha. Later!

Detox Debriefing

**Note** This post was written Sunday night, but I had trouble loading the video that went along with it to youtube, thus not being able to post the link for you guys! Sorry…I’ll get the hang of it! 🙂


Welp. Happy ‘Easter’ everyone! Hope you enjoyed your day with family and friends as I did.

Below is a recap of the seven-day detox I did from April 1-April 7 with my boyfriend. It’s pretty much a summary of our thoughts for each day.


-lost 8 pounds! Whoo Hoo!

-Gained confidence in knowing that I can control my diet (seems simple but many of us are addicted to certain foods and additives that we are not even aware of)

-I kicked my caffeine addiction. I no longer need a mug every morning at work. This is great because I’ve been drinking coffee/caffeine/energy drinks for the last few years (since I started grad school) even though I’ve never been a big fan of them. Knowing that I don’t need them if very reassuring. I plan to start drinking a least two cups of green tea a day. Green tea helps flush your system and speed your metabolism (along with a bunch of other health benefits).

-I felt like I had more energy not eating crap! Even though I still need to work on my sleep habits, I didn’t feel as sluggish during my morning commute, I spent more time thinking about what I could accomplish health and fitness wise before the end of the day rather then thinking about all I had to get done in other areas before bedtime. I’m still trying to grasp me run/walking 9 miles, when I never even used to like being outside for too long (I’m not really an outdoor person, but I think that’s changing…a little lol).

-I won’t say that certain food doesn’t entice me, but I feel like I have a different mindset when it comes to how I eat and what I eat. I’m more aware of how it’s going to affect me, what’s in it, and what I need to do in the gym if I DO eat it! lol. This is major for me!

-I think this detox was a great jump start to my lifestyle change and my weight loss journey. I have learned so much about nutrition, exercising, etc. and I’m continuing to learn as I go, which is way more exciting than I thought it would be.


-I don’t like eating big breakfast meals. Especially when it’s not ‘breakfast’ food. Gross.

-No one should have to eat bananas and milk all day. Yuck.

-I don’t like being told what to eat. If I want fruit today, I want fruit today. I shouldn’t have to wait until tomorrow. lol.

-‘Wonder soup’ is DISGUSTING. Sorry. I know I’ve been promoting this whole thing, but that soup is gross, and there is lots leftover from this detox haha.

What now? I will be continuing to make changes in my diet and fitness journey. I’m trying to not set strict goals, but I will being blogging along the way. I feel I’m getting stronger in my workouts and I’m already doing things I didn’t think I could. I’ve been meeting and following so many women who started off trying to lose a few pounds or trying to fit into a swim suit who fell in love with living a healthy lifestyle and even helping others to do the same. My body has been very similar to how it was at the beginning of this for most of my adult life. So I’m excited to see what I can turn my body into as well just wanting to get in shape and be more healthy! It will be a process and a journey, but I’m so pumped for it! I’m so lucky to have a sweetie who’s into health and fitness and who’s such a great source of knowledge, inspiration, and encouragement!

Okay, thanks for following me during this detox!

The end has come!!!

It’s here! Finally! The last day of this detox. That was a long seven days! I’m glad I didn’t quit. lol. I’ve learned a lot and plan to do a total recap tomorrow. But, for now, I’ll just do a recap of day 7…

I was up bright and early to go to the gym. Although I got bad news last night and had trouble sleeping AND I like to sleep in a little on the weekends because I get up SO early through the week….I wanted to really put in work today. I hadn’t lifted like I wanted to throughout the detox nor did I ever make it to getting in the sauna. I felt like today was my last chance workout (too much Biggest Loser haha) and I had to make it count!


I worked on upper body for a half an hour and then did legs and plyo for an hour. I worked out in double pants, a tank, bag, t-shirt, and hoodie. It got HOT in there to say the LEAST. Whoo! I felt like I was in an oven! At one point, I could feel steam radiating off my face, no joke. Don’t be fooled by the smile on my face in the above picture! That was not during my workout. There was NOTHING funny during haha. After stretching, I guzzled water like it was going out of style, headed home, FINALLY did my hair (smh) and headed out and about for the rest of the day. Feels like the LONGEST day ever!!! But I feel great! Great and TIRED! I’m so glad to be done with this fast. I feel like it was a great learning experience in my health and fitness journey and I look forward to the lifestyle changes that will follow.


Day 7 was fruits, vegetables, and fruit/vegetable juices. On our way to the gym we stopped by Jamba Juice for an apples ‘n greens smoothie. Lunch was blackberry salad, and dinner was soup and fruit. Not too bad of a day food wise. But let me tell you…I love oatmeal and cereal, and will be glad to eat some before church in the morning! And Sunday dinner! Whoo hoo (in moderation of course)! Like I said, I’ll post a more in-depth recap tomorrow after my final weigh-in and measurements. Until then….Nighty night! 🙂

Doing what works..

Day 6 of the detox proved to be better than Day 5…yay! However, I’m going to be honest. I’m still ready to get to Sunday lol. Sometimes the rules don’t work for everybody. I found out that I cannot eat a chicken breast for breakfast. Gross. I’ve gotten so used to having smaller breakfast meals (besides the occasional traditionally “big breakfast” of eggs, toast or pancakes, and turkey sausage or something along those lines). Anywho, I couldn’t do it this morning. I got to work super early so I made a trip to the grocery store and picked up a light protein shake (with 0g of sugar) to replace the chicken breast. I realize that’s not the exact same, but hey, you gotta do what works for you! I don’t feel bad. I think people truly in tune with their bodies know to listen and modify their diets (even during certain detox programs) to fit them. I would also like to note that this is the first time I’ve EVER attempted anything like this, and honestly knowing me and my past eating habits and failed attempts to change my diet, I think I’m well on my way to making permanent positive changes. ANNND I’d like to add that I am still currently eight pounds down since the beginning of the detox. My hope is 10 by the end of Saturday, but even if I don’t reach it, I’m still ecstatic about my progress so far. I’m very confident that I will get to my fitness goals because my mindset is changing and my knowledge is increasing and I think that’s what matters.


For lunch, I worked to Einstein Bagel with some co-workers. Jealous. I LOVE their bagels. But instead of ordering I ate my pre-packed salad and gulped my water. One of my co-workers got a salad so I didn’t feel left out! Haha. You may be asking “are those black bean tortilla chips on the list of things to eat?” The answer is no. Like I said, you have to do what works for you and in this case, eating the strips that came with the salad (which were quite yummy I might add) was worked best. It was better than an asiago cheese bagel with original smear…just sayin’.

After work, I headed to the gym. I don’t know if it’s our lack of eating/energy, but the bf and I haven’t been going too hard in the gym this week. We said we would try to keep with normal workouts as much as possible, but it’s ended up being doing a little lifting and LOTS of cardio. I will say I’m beginning to like running outdoors. Who said that? Did I say that? People who know me know that I’m not really an outdoor person (at least not for too long lol) but I love the path near my house and it’s been great weather. I’m improving!


After our run/walk we headed to Chipotle. I know I know. We had healthy burrito bowls with just meat and veggies. Sorry no photos…we were starving like Marvin, his brother, and his daddy! LOL. One more day and we are blowing this popsicle stand!!!!

Is this thing over yet???

Today was okay. I didnt feel like I was starving but I was also VERY bored with my food….eating the same thing all day is wiggidy whack! I understand people who say you’re supposed to eat to live and not live to eat, but I personally feel like nourishing your body with healthy foods and knowing you are fueling your body with the nutrients you need should be enjoyable and exciting. I’ve really gained a new perspective on how to eat, portion size, and frequency…and with that being said, I’m about ready for this detox to be over!!!

Day 5 was grilled or baked meat and tomatoes…ALL DAY. NOTHING ELSE. I thought I’d be happy to have some meat, but it was quite boring! I was so bored with it I didn’t even photograph any of it! Lol.


I continued to drink LOTS of water though. It’s all I had most of the morning. I was so full after breakfast. I gueaa my body had gotten used to not eating so much, especially in the morning. The gym was kind of a bust today. I got in good cardio but I had planned on doing full-body lifting with all the protein I took in today…but plans don’t always work out. Tomorrow! Which reminds me….I am TI-RED!

Hope Day 6 is more interesting!

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